Irina Golovchanskaya
- GolovchanskayaII@mgpu.ru
- 8 (495) 607-58-34
Research Profile
- phonetics of the French language
- intonology
- phonostylistics
- phonopragmatics
- pedagogical discourse
- methods of teaching foreign languages
Practical Phonetics
Practical Course of Pronunciation culture
Theoretical Phonetics
Period of Teaching and Research Service
Education and Degrees
Higher education, specialist’s degree (teacher of French and German languages)
Total Period of Employment
Advanced Professional Training Certificates
Professional development programs:
- “Improving the Linguistic and Discursive Competencies of Teachers of Linguistic Departments of Universities of the Russian Federation”, Moscow State Linguistic University (36 hours, 2021)
- “Romanistics in the Era of Polylinguism”, Moscow State Linguistic University (36 hours, 2020)
- “Features of the Infrastructure and Educational Resources of the Moscow Electronic School”, MCU (24 hours, 2018)
- “Development and Examination of Electronic Modules”, MCU (36 hours, 2018)
- “Designing the Educational Process Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)”, NUST MISIS (36 hours, 2017)
- “Technology of Teacher’s Work in the Distance Learning System”, MCU (2015)
- French Language University. Stendhal (Université de la langue française de Stendhal (Grenoble (France), 2002)
- CAVILAM Language Center (Vichy (France), 2012)
- Sorbonne University (Paris IV) (Paris (France), 2013)
Selected Publications
Employment History
She organizes a number of significant extracurricular activities that popularize the French language, strengthen ties with educational organizations in Moscow and promote MCU. Among them: European Languages Day, Celebration of the French Language Teacher’s Day, Christmas Carousel, Francophone Festival, Interregional Open Phonetic Competition, student battles, quizzes and art workshops.
She takes part in scientific conferences, methodological seminars on linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages and regularly takes advanced training courses.