Evgenia Artemova

Evgenia Artemova

Post: Professor
Academic credentials: Doctor of Art Studies, Associate Professor

  • +7 (499) 138-25-79 (add. 126)

Research Profile

  • music pedagogy
  • psychology and art therapy
  • musical theater
  • Russian spiritual music


History of Foreign Music

History of Russian Music

Art Psychology

Styles of Art

Music Theory

Period of Teaching and Research Service

Since 1990

Education and Degrees

Higher education, Specialist’s degree in Music Studies (music expert, teacher) and Master’s degree in Psychology


Music Studies

Total Period of Employment

Since 1990

Selected Publications

Employment History

She has 20 years of experience in music journalism. Her articles are published in the following journals: Musical Academy, Musical Life, Music Magazine, Strastnoy Boulevard 10, Theater Poster, ArtMoskovia. She is an author of over 200 works.