Andrey Ushakov
- UshakovAV@mgpu.ru
Research Profile
Geometry and topology, methods of teaching further mathematics
Geometry, Algebra, Mathematical Logic, Algorithm Theory, Elementary Mathematics (planimetry and stereometry)
Education and Degrees
Specialist in Teaching Mathematics, Information Science, and Computer Engineering
Selected Publications
Ushakov A.V. Features of the use of testing as a method of pedagogical control of students’ knowledge in the educational process / Sergushina Elena Sergeevna, Kabanov Oleg Vladimirovich, Grigoryev Andrey Anatolievich, Popov Konstantin Ivanovich, Ushakov Andrey Vladimirovich, Nikulin Alexander Valentinovich, Leonova Irina Anatolevna, Vrublevskaia Elena Gennadievna // Journal of Critical Reviews. — 2020. — Volume 7, Issue 3. — Pages 181−184.