The Center for Independent Assessment of Student Competencies at MCU is an innovative space aimed at providing a high-level assessment of teacher qualifications and the development of professional competencies and qualities of teachers. The Center’s work is based on the efficient methodological system that has been successfully applied within the project ‘Moscow’s Teacher Certificate’. Since 2017 more than 1500 students and 263 independent experts from 114 educational institutions have participated in the project.
The Center’s activities:
- Certification of students and graduates majoring in education science
- Diagnosis of initial teacher competences of young teachers at employment by Moscow’s schools
- Certification of teachers engaged in secondary vocational programmes
- Assessment of professional teacher’s competences
- Training experts in conducting assessment procedures for further participation in the Center’s certification projects
- Evaluation of the professional progress of pre-service and employed teachers
- Developing teaching competences at the workshops featuring analysis of lessons and teaching aids with moderators

Director of the Center for Independent Assessment of Student Competencies
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Pedagogy

Deputy Director of the Center for Independent Assessment of Student Competencies
Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Engineering, Associate Professor