
The programme aims to study one of the most promising and interesting areas of modern psychology that examines human cognitive processes. These processes determine an individual’s learning path and success, communication style, and decision-making. During the course, the main psychological and pedagogical techniques for diagnosing and developing students’ intellectual and creative potential will be revealed. This master’s programme aimes at developing students’ research skills. This allows practitioners to enhance their methodological literacy, professional competitiveness, and career building at an expert level. The programme is suitable for teachers of basic and supplementary education and administrators of educational institutions.

Field of Study

Psychology and Pedagogy

Language of Study


Study Mode




Admission Tests

Cross-Disciplinary Examination on Pedagogy

Period of Study

2 years

Tuition fees (per semester)

154 650 RUB


Theory and practice of psychological counseling, diagnosis and development of children's giftedness

Psychology of creating a safe educational environment

Experimental psychology, organisational psychology

Workshop on the study of cognitive processes

Methodology and methods of scientific research

Age-related features of cognitive development

The psychology of individual differences

Fundamentals of neuro-linguistics

Directions and methods of modern cognitive research in psychology

Diagnostic methods in psychological and pedagogical research

Fundamentals of cognitive psychology

Development of children's speech

16 Stolyarny pereulok, Moscow, 123022

16 Stolyarny pereulok, Moscow, 123022

+7 (499) 255-02-27


For more information please contact our Admissions Office

+7 (499) 181-21-77, +7 (499) 181-21-33,

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