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Conference “Homo dicens”

The Institute of Humanities at the Moscow City University invites you to participate in the International Digital Science Conference “Homo dicens”.

Lecturers and students of the Institute of Humanities participated in the Forum “Language Policy and Linguistic Security”

The Forum was devoted to the problems of inter-ethnic, cultural and linguistic contacts, the interaction of various types of cultures within and beyond ethnic communities.

Humanism and Directions of Civilization Development

Institute of Humanities and partner universities invite scholars to participate in the international scientific forum on the 90th anniversary of Umberto Eco

“Home dicens” Conference

Institute of Humanities invites international students to participate in the Conference “Homo dicens” on the Russian language, history, and culture

Kristina Annenkova about studying at Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce

Kristina Annenkova shares her experience of joining Erasmus+ exchange program for students