
MCU at the Russian-Chinese Forum ‘Teachers in China and Russia and Training Teachers’

On May 19-20, the Russian-Chinese Forum ‘Teachers in China and Russia and Training Teachers’ was conducted in Wuhu city of Anhui province in China. The Forum had been arranged by Anhui Pedagogical University and Minin University and was dedicated to the 90-year-anniversary since the establishment of Anhui Pedagogical University.

Keynote issues:

  • Promotion of cooperation in higher education, enhancing connections between the world universities and friendship between nations.
  • Implementation of the reform aimed at preparing qualified teachers for modern age and reorganizing staff composition, sharing best practices.

Representatives of such prominent Chinese teachers’ training universities as Beijing Normal University, Northwest Normal University, Nanjing Normal University and Shanghai University participated in the Forum. From the Russian side the event was attended by Minin University, St Petersburg University and Нerzen University.

MCU was represented by Prof. Vadim Grinshkun, Head of the IT-based Education Department of the Institute of Mathematics, Information Technologies and Natural Sciences with the report titled ‘International Baccalaureate and Digital School: MCU Experience’.

The first day of the Forum was opened with the Russian-Chinese dialogue where 12 representatives of the Russian and Chinese universities held their reports.

The next day was dedicated to the International Conference ‘China and World Education: New Challenges in Training Teachers’. Besides Russia and China, education specialists from Japan, US, United Kingdom, Australia and South Korea also participated in the discussion.

The attendees talked about prospects of global cooperation and integration, defining key strategies in training teachers apt for modern universities.